
Our Mission

The rhetoric of politicians doesn’t necessarily reveal insights into a society. We suggest that to understand the actual life of a society, the first place to look is its culture. The premise of this digital humanities project is that theatre and performance art are some of the best genres for helping people understand the social reality and social problems of a country.

The logic of the flow of media here moves from the library of the dramas, to their spectacles (on the stage), to the motivation of the artists, back to spectacles (outside of theatres), then to the opinions of audience members and their subsequent actions after the spectacles – at protests. The flow of material supports the main argument of this site: theatre and drama for social change can be a gateway to social activism.

Once awareness is spread, one can begin to see Slavoj Žižek’s reasoning when he made the following statement: “Protest art and punk are actually more effective than the protests themselves” (Žižek and Tolokonnikova, Comradely Greetings, 2014).

Research towards the creation of this platform is supported by the Kennan Institute-Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.